Project Exchange

A Correspondence Between History and My-Story
(a holocaust museum installation)

By Kyle Hartung City Arts and Tech High School


The Launch

Warm-Up and Discussion: Â* What are your expectations for this project? Â* What do you hope to get out of it? Â* What do you hope it will be? Review and...


Exploring Models and Re-Visiting Work

In small groups, spend time examining the different examples/models (Griffin and Sabine, One Survivor Remembers, McSweeneyÂ's 19, Montage Images, The W...


Getting Started and Beyond

At this point, students had about two weeks until Exhibition Night. This was the last 'initiatory' day and beyond these activities, students were eng...


Visiting a Museum & Holocaust Memorial

Students in this project group took a trip to The Legion of Honor in San Francisco's Presido to study a real museum exhibit, as well as visit the Holo...


Exhibition Night

Students were expected to be prepared to defend their work to the community and arrive in professional dress. The following is a list of questions a...


A Project Overview
Kyle Hartung

The Launch
A Correspondence Between History and My-Story
(a holocaust museum installation)
MS Word

Assessment Rubric
Kyle Hartung

The Launch
A Correspondence Between History and My-Story
(a holocaust museum installation)
MS Word

Exhibit Program
Kyle Hartung

Exhibition Night
A Correspondence Between History and My-Story
(a holocaust museum installation)
MS Word

Exhibition Night Slideshow
Kyle Hartung

Exhibition Night
A Correspondence Between History and My-Story
(a holocaust museum installation)

Holocaust Memorial Visit
Kyle Hartung

Visiting a Museum & Holocaust Memorial
A Correspondence Between History and My-Story
(a holocaust museum installation)
MS Powerpoint

Introducing the Project
Kyle Hartung

The Launch
A Correspondence Between History and My-Story
(a holocaust museum installation)
MS Powerpoint

Model Exploration Handout
Kyle Hartung

Exploring Models and Re-Visiting Work
A Correspondence Between History and My-Story
(a holocaust museum installation)
MS Word

Montage Image Modeling
Kyle Hartung

Exploring Models and Re-Visiting Work
A Correspondence Between History and My-Story
(a holocaust museum installation)
MS Powerpoint

Project & Time Management Tool
Kyle Hartung

Getting Started and Beyond
A Correspondence Between History and My-Story
(a holocaust museum installation)
MS Word

Workshop Schedule
Kyle Hartung

The Launch
A Correspondence Between History and My-Story
(a holocaust museum installation)
MS Word