Project Exchange

ACTIVITY: The Novel and the Thematic Notions

Project: Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere, Motion and the Physics of Change





Duration: 90 minutes

Assessments: Student reflections/journals, Student discussions

Materials: Copies of "Neverwhere", LCD and PPT presentation



This day we read the Prologue and Chapter One of "Neverwhere" together and discussed the opening of the book. We also completed an in-class activity designed to introduce students to and engage them with the thematic notions of Motion and the Physics of Change, before we unrolled the project. We discussed the following notions:

* The POTENTIAL ENERGY of a choice waiting to be made (questions, experiences, possibilities...)
* The KINETIC ENERGY of a life lived by those choices (discoveries made, transformations, etc...)
* The VELOCITY at which a life moves (Where did it start? Where is it headed? How fast is it going?)
* How NEWTON'S 1ST LAW OF MOTION not only affects us physically, but also emotionally and mentally (What moves people? What gets in our way? What does it take to change?)

In Groups students searched through the Prologue and Chapter One, keeping Richard Mayhew and Door in mind, for evidence of Motion and the Physics of Change.

For Homework this night, students began the Storyboarding process they will encouter in the project overview next class period by completing 2 storyboards that cover events that occur during the Prologue, Chapter One, and Chapter Two (see resources for the Storyboard template which will also appear in the Project Overview).


(e.g. rubrics, examplars, websites, etc.)

Mapping the Novel to Motion and the Physics of Change
This presentation was used to guide students through mapping the metaphoric notions of Motion and the Physics of Change ...
Download (61K)

Storyboarding Template
This is the blank template students used throughout the project to create their storyboards (see Project Overview for de...
Download (42K)


Author Reflections

It was a great moment when students finally "met" Door, the young lady whose story they continued the period before.